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Pres: In the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Spirit. 
Ass: Amen.

Pres: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you always.
Ass: Blessed be God, who brought us together in Christ's love. 

Pres: The Lord Jesus, who invites us to the table of the Word and of the Eucharist calls us to the conversion. Recognize and be sinners will invoke with confidence mercy of the Father (pausa). Confess our sins:

Ass: Will confess God Almighty, and to you brothers and sisters, that I have sinned many times by thoughts and words, acts and omissions, my fault, my fault so great. And I pray to the Virgin Mary, the angels and saints, and you, brothers and sisters, to pray for me will the Lord our God. 

Pres: Lord, have mercy on us.
Ass: Lord, have mercy on us.


Pres: Christ, have mercy on us. 
Ass: Christ, have mercy on us. 


Pres: Lord, have mercy on us.
Ass: Lord, have mercy on us. 

Pres: Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life.
Ass: Amen. 





Pres: Oremos: Velai, ó Deus, sobre a vossa família com incansável amor; e, como só confiamos na vossa graça, guardai-nos sob a vossa proteção. Por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Vosso Filho, na unidade do Espírito Santo.

Ass: Amém.



Leit: Leitura do primeiro livro dos Reis.

Naqueles dias, Salomão convocou, junto de si em Jerusalém, todos os anciãos de Israel, todos os chefes das tribos e príncipes das famílias dos filhos de Israel, a fim de transferir da cidade de Sião, que é Jerusalém, a arca da Aliança do Senhor.  Todo o Israel reuniu-se em torno de Salomão, no mês de Etanim, ou seja, no sétimo mês, durante a festa.  Vieram todos os anciãos de Israel, e os sacerdotes tomaram a arca e carregaram-na junto com a tenda da reunião, como também todos os objetos sagrados que nela estavam; quem os carregava eram os sacerdotes e os levitas. O rei Salomão e toda a comunidade de Israel, reunida em torno dele, imolavam diante da arca ovelhas e bois em tal quantidade, que não se podia contar nem calcular. E os sacerdotes conduziram a arca da Aliança do Senhor ao seu lugar, no santuário do templo, ao Santo dos Santos, debaixo das asas dos querubins, pois os querubins estendiam suas asas sobre o lugar da arca, cobrindo a arca e seus varais por cima. Dentro da arca só havia as duas tábuas de pedra que Moisés ali tinha deposto no monte Horeb, quando o Senhor concluiu a aliança com os filhos de Israel, logo que saíram da terra do Egito. Ora, quando os sacerdotes deixaram o santuário, uma nuvem encheu o templo do Senhor, de modo que os sacerdotes não puderam continuar as funções porque a glória do Senhor tinha enchido o templo do Senhor.  Então Salomão disse: O Senhor disse que habitaria numa nuvem, e eu edifiquei uma casa para tua morada, um templo onde vivas para sempre.


Palavra do Senhor.

Ass: Graças a Deus.




Subi, Senhor, para o lugar de vosso pouso!


Nós soubemos que a arca estava em Éfrata e nos campos de Iaar a encontramos. 

Entremos no lugar em que ele habita, ante o escabelo de seus pés o adoremos!


Subi, Senhor, para o lugar de vosso pouso, subi vós, com vossa arca poderosa!

Que se vistam de alegria os vossos santos, e os vossos sacerdotes, de justiça! 


Por causa de Davi, o vosso servo, não afasteis do vosso ungido a vossa face!




Pres: O Senhor esteja convosco.

Ele está no meio de nós. 


Pres: Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Marcos.

Ass: Glória a vós, Senhor.


Pres: Naquele tempo, tendo Jesus e seus discípulos acabado de atravessar o mar da Galileia, chegaram a Genesaré e amarraram a barca. Logo que desceram da barca, as pessoas imediatamente reconheceram Jesus.  Percorrendo toda aquela região, levavam os doentes deitados em suas camas para o lugar onde ouviam falar que Jesus estava.  E, nos povoados, cidades e campos aonde chegavam, colocavam os doentes nas praças e pediam-lhe para tocar, ao menos, a barra de sua veste. E todos quantos o tocavam ficavam curados.


Pres: Palavra da salvação.

Ass: Glória a vós, Senhor.




Pres: Pray, brethren, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty. 
Ass: May the Lord accept this sacrifice at your hands for the glory of His name, for our good and of all his Church. 





Pres: Senhor nosso Deus, que criastes o pão e o vinho para alimento da nossa fraqueza, concedei que se tornem para nós sacramento da vida eterna. Por Cristo, nosso Senhor.

Ass: Amém.





Pres: The Lord be with you.
Ass: He is in our midst.

Pres: Lift up your hearts.
Ass: Our heart is in God. 

Pres: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
Ass: It is our duty and our salvation. 

Pres: In fact, it is fair and necessary, it is our duty and give thanks unto salvation, always and everywhere, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. In the mystery of the incarnation of your Son, new light of your glory shone for us. And, recognizing Jesus as God visible to our eyes, learn to love it we do not see the deity. For him the angels celebrate your greatness and the saints proclaim your glory. Grant also to us to associate us with his praise, saying with one voice... 
Ass: Holy, Holy, Holy. Lord God of the Universe, Heaven and Earth will proclaim your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. 


Pres: Indeed, O Father, you are holy and the source of all holiness. Sanctify therefore these offerings, pouring out your Spirit upon them, so that they may become for us the Body and + Blood of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord.

Ass: Sanctify our offering, O Lord.


Pres: On the night he was betrayed, he took bread in his hands, raised his eyes to you, O Father, gave thanks and broke it, and gave to his disciples. 

Mostra ao povo a Hóstia consagrada, coloca-a na patena, fazendo genuflexão para adorá-la.

Pres: Likewise, after supper he took the cup in his hands, gave thanks again and gave it to his disciples. 
Nesse momento ergue-se o cálice com vinho; abaixa-o e faz uma breve genuflexão.

Pres: The mystery of faith!
Ass: Announcing Lord, will proclaim your death and your resurrection will, Come Lord Jesus! 


Pres: Celebrating, therefore, the memory of the death and resurrection of your Son, we offer you, Father, the bread of life and the cup of salvation; and we thank you that you have made us worthy to be here in your presence and to serve you.

Ass: Receive, O Lord, our offering.


Pres: And we beseech you that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, we may be gathered together by the Holy Spirit in one body.

Ass: Make us one body and one spirit.


Pres: Remember, Father, your Church, which is present throughout the world: may she grow in charity with Pope Bento, who is Bishop of Rome and all the ministers of your people.

Ass: Remember, Father, your Church.


Pres: Remember also our brothers and sisters who died in the hope of the resurrection and all those who departed from this life: welcome them to you in the light of your face.

Ass: Remember, O Father, your children.


Pres: Finally, we ask you, have mercy on all of us and give us a share in eternal life, with the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with the holy apostles and all who served you in this world, so that we may praise you and glorify Jesus Christ your Son.

Ass: Grant us the fellowship of the elect.


Pres: Why he does not unceasingly create and sanctify these goods and distribute them among us. 
Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, will you Father God Almighty in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and glory, now and forever.

Ass: Amen. 




Pres: Guided by the Spirit of Jesus, and enlightened by the wisdom of the gospel, we dare to say: 
Ass: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; come to thy kingdom, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven; our daily bread Give us this day, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and let us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Pres: Deliver us from all evil, O Father, and grant us your peace. Aided by your mercy keep us free from sin and protected from all dangers while living hope, we await the coming of Christ the Saviour. 
Ass: Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever! 




Pres: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, I give you my peace. Look not upon our sins, but the faith that animates your Church; give him, according to your desire, peace and unity. You who are God as Father and the Holy Spirit. 
Ass: Amen. 

Pres: The peace of the Lord be always with you! 
Ass: The love of Christ brought u! 





Ass: Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.    

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace.

Pres: Taste and see that the Lord is good; happy who finds his refuge in him. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Ass: Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be saved. 

Ass: Amen.







Pres: Oremos: Ó Deus, vós quisestes que participássemos do mesmo pão e do mesmo cálice; fazei-nos viver de tal modo unidos em Cristo, que tenhamos a alegria de produzir muitos frutos para a salvação do mundo. Por Cristo, nosso Senhor.

Ass: Amém.




Pres: The Lord be with you! 
Ass: He is in our midst. 

Pres: Bless ye the Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. +
Ass: Amen. 

Pres: Go in peace and the Lord be with you! 
Ass: Thanks be to God. 

Ao fim da Santa Missa, aqueles que auxiliaram na celebração:

Pres: Let us bless the Lord! 
Ass: We gave thanks to God.

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